We are a friendly Club and we welcome new members with a variety of membership levels to suit. Please view our various membership levels to find the right option for you. Alternatively, just contact us for further information by emailling polomanager@newforestpoloclub.com
Please note, all Playing members must have an up-to-date HPA membership.
Annual playing members can participate in all fixtures* and weekly Chukkas, as well as receiving complimentary parking at New Park for all our fixtures.
Adults - £800 per year
18 to 23 - £450 per year
Juniors - £380 per year
Chukka members can participate in weekly Chukkas which we hold on Thursday evenings from late-April. Should chukka members wish to play in Cups/Fixtures, entry is charged at £10 per match.
All ages - £600 per year
Social membership is perfect for our most loyal supporters and spectators. Social membership provides free access to every polo fixture held at New Park, including free entry and parking. Social members are also invited to come and watch our weekly Chukkas, held every Thursday evening from late-April.
All ages - £50 per year
*Playing membership does not include entry to our big 4 tournament weekends.
Please download our membership application form and return it to info@newforestpoloclub.co.uk.
Membership Application (pdf)
Download Fees are payable to New Forest Polo Club Limited:
Sort Code: 090129
Account Number: 68775122
Santander UK PLC bank
Company number 13370760
HPA Subscription fees must be paid prior to playing any tournaments or chukkas.